Rabu, 25 Februari 2015

O-Sekihan/お赤飯 #99908

O-Sekihan/お赤飯 Sekihan means "red rice" in Japanese. It's made with sweet rice, the sticky rice mochi is made from, and azuki beans. It's eaten for special occasions. Sekihan 36196 39151 is a well known utaite. His covers are often very comical featuring many ad libs and bizarre dialogue. He is known for his very versatile voice Sekihan or o sekihan is often served on special occasions such as birthdays, weddings and some holidays and festivals in Japan as the red colour of Sekihan is

On Father's Day, my wife made o-sekihan for her father, using 1 kg of mochi gome (mochi rice; glutinous rice) and azuki beans. She transferred the o-sekihan to a juubako, and the rest was eaten by my family for supper. 父の日に、妻が実父のために、もち米を1 kgと小豆でお赤飯を作りました。重箱に詰めて、残りは家族で夕飯に食べました。 O-Sekihan/お赤飯 O-sekihan is usually eaten with toasted sesame seeds and salt, but I had it plain. Later, I had it with Magic Furikake. 普通、お赤飯は煎ったゴマと塩で食べるのですが、私はそのまま食べました。後で、魔法のふりかけと一緒に食べました。
O-Sekihan/お赤飯 O-sekihan is a polite way of saying sekihan. The same goes for o-bento, o-chawan (rice bowl), o-kome (rice), and so on. In some cases, the polite connotation of "o" is almost lost, as in o-cha and o-wan. That is, it is more common to say o-cha (tea) and o-wan (soup bowl) than cha and wan. In other cases, "o" can mean "your", as in o-kuruma (your car) and o-tegami (your letter). お赤飯とは赤飯の丁寧な言い方です。お弁当もお茶碗なども同様です。お茶やお椀などでは、「お」の丁寧さがほとんど失われます。つまり、茶、椀と言うより、お茶、お椀という方が一般的です。また、お車やお手紙など、「お」が「貴方の」という意味になることがあります。

source : http://solopos.com, http://hiro-shio.blogspot.com, http://pinterest.com

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